President’s Teaching Award: Shafique Virani

President’s Teaching Award: Shafique Virani

It seemed inevitable that the dynamo that is Professor Shafique Virani, chair of the Department of Historical Studies, would win the University of Toronto’s President’s Teaching Award; the only question was when it would happen.   The President’s Teaching Award...
Little Mosque On The Prairie Visits UTM

Little Mosque On The Prairie Visits UTM

UTM alumnus and actor Zaib Shaikh joins students for a discussion on Canadian pluralism last Wednesday in CCT 1080. Matthew Filipowich/The Medium  Last Wednesday, Zaib Shaikh, the lead actor from Little Mosque on the Prairie, participated in lecture discussing...
Islamophobia and Dehumanization, Shafique Virani

Islamophobia and Dehumanization, Shafique Virani

On April 26, in a talk that was both serious and entertaining – and ultimately inspirational — Shafique Virani, University of Toronto Professor of Islamic Studies, told his Academy audience that his goal in life was to “bridge the gap between the West and the...
UTM expands international partnerships to New Delhi

UTM expands international partnerships to New Delhi

Professor Deep Saini. Courtesy Colleen McColeman.  In his recent trade missions trip to India, professor Deep Saini, vice president of U of T and principal of UIM, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI). The agreement...