
.العلم وراثة كريمة، والأدب حلل حسان، والفكر مرآة صافية، والعقل حسام قاطع

.علم ميراثى كريم است، و ادب حللهاى نيكو، و فكر آيينه صافى، و عقل شمشير تيز 

“Knowledge is a noble legacy, refinement a comely garment, reflection a polished mirror and intellect a cutting sword.”

~The Muhtashamian Ethics


Professor Virani has served in governorship roles of major international organizations in North America, Africa and the Middle East, both professionally and in a volunteer capacity. He was the founding director of the Centre for South Asian Civilizations at the University of Toronto and has partnered with donors to raise several million dollars in cash and kind, including the campus’ largest gift in the humanities. As a consultant for government agencies, educational institutions, filmmakers, television shows, cultural heritage organizations and others, he has sought to promote creative solutions to foster the values of pluralism, diversity and the cosmopolitan ethic. The features here highlight a few of these endeavors.

Features Gallery


Islamophobia and the Clash of Ignorance

With shocking evidence, hilarious anecdotes, heart-wrenching personal stories, and brilliant insights into world events, Professor Shafique Virani urges us to confront the Clash of Ignorance between the West and the Muslim World, replacing walls of misinformation with bridges of understanding. Appealing to the best in human nature, Dr. Virani presents a visionary path forward, and inspires hope for a better future. This must watch TEDx talk is one of the most translated TEDx talks ever.

A History of Survival, A
Search for Salvation

“None of that people should be spared, not even the babe in its cradle.” With these chilling words, the Mongol warlord Genghis Khan declared his intention to destroy the Ismailis, one of the most intellectually and politically significant Muslim communities of medieval Islamdom. The massacres that followed convinced observers that this powerful voice of Shi‘i Islam had been forever silenced. Little was heard of these people for centuries, until their recent and dramatic emergence from obscurity. Today they exist as a dynamic and thriving community spread throughout the world. Yet, the interval between what appeared to have been their total annihilation, and their modern, seemingly phoenix-like renaissance, has remained shrouded in mystery. This riveting account explains how the esoteric doctrines of the community helped it to survive its near destruction.

The Ismailis in the Middle Ages is believed to be the world’s first academic monograph to have had its own book trailer. Watch the book trailer.

The Virani Dream Team: Innovation, Teaching and Research

This film is about what is believed to be Canada’s largest humanities research group – “The Virani Dream Team.” It demonstrates the power of combining teaching and research to give students the skills they need to address some of humankind’s greatest challenges. Produced by Ben Lewis and directed by Alexander Lisman, the feature highlights the superior and innovative teaching practices of Shafique N. Virani, Distinguished Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto, and winner of an Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award.

History Erased: The World Without India

India, the cradle of civilization, has shaped the world we know today in countless ways. For millennia India has been the birthplace of innovation and life changing advancements in culture, science, math, technology, religion and philosophy. To celebrate the great achievements of India, Professor Shafique Virani and other experts try to imagine a world where these are all stripped away. In this teaser to the full documentary produced for the History Channel, we discover that not only would the world lose its flavour, it simply wouldn’t function.

Weapons of Mass Instruction: Fighting Islamophobia with Education  | CBC ViewPoints 

When six peaceful worshippers were murdered at a Quebec mosque, it was horrifying, but sadly, not surprising. An Abacus poll reveals that Muslims face more discrimination than any other group. In this appeal, Professor Shafique Virani calls on governments and civil society organizations to invest in education that promotes pluralistic values. A pluralistic education will create a more tolerant world, the type of world all of us want for our children. 

CBC Interview: Aga Khan Museum 

The Aga Khan Museum provides visitors with a window into the artistic, intellectual, and scientific contributions of Muslim civilizations to world heritage. In this CBC interview with Matt Galloway on “Metro Morning,” Professor Shafique Virani speaks about what this unique museum means to Toronto and to Canada. Interestingly, Dr. Virani later played the role of an academic in the Hollywood science fiction comedy Downsizing, partially filmed at the Museum. The film was directed by Alexander Payne and starred Matt Damon, Christoph Waltz, Hong Chau and Kristen Wiig.

Features Gallery


President’s Teaching Award: Shafique Virani

President’s Teaching Award: Shafique Virani

It seemed inevitable that the dynamo that is Professor Shafique Virani, chair of the Department of Historical Studies, would win the University of Toronto’s President’s Teaching Award; the only question was when it would happen.   The President’s Teaching Award...

Accolades And Awards – Munk Centre Scholars In The Spotlight

Accolades And Awards – Munk Centre Scholars In The Spotlight

Shafique Virani’s The Ismailis in the Middle Ages: A History of Survival, A Search for Salvation, published by Oxford University Press in 2007, has been well received internationally, with awards from UNESCO and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural...

Little Mosque On The Prairie Visits UTM

Little Mosque On The Prairie Visits UTM

UTM alumnus and actor Zaib Shaikh joins students for a discussion on Canadian pluralism last Wednesday in CCT 1080. Matthew Filipowich/The Medium Last Wednesday, Zaib Shaikh, the lead actor from Little Mosque on the Prairie, participated in lecture discussing Canadian...

Islamophobia and Dehumanization, Shafique Virani

Islamophobia and Dehumanization, Shafique Virani

On April 26, in a talk that was both serious and entertaining – and ultimately inspirational -- Shafique Virani, University of Toronto Professor of Islamic Studies, told his Academy audience that his goal in life was to “bridge the gap between the West and the Muslim...

UTM expands international partnerships to New Delhi

UTM expands international partnerships to New Delhi

Professor Deep Saini. Courtesy Colleen McColeman. In his recent trade missions trip to India, professor Deep Saini, vice president of U of T and principal of UIM, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI). The agreement...

These Professors Made a Lasting Impression

These Professors Made a Lasting Impression

Shafique N. Virani (center), a popular associate professor of Islamic studies at the U. of Toronto, says he has been asked to perform a student's wedding. Forget baking cookies. Forget writing a glowing teacher evaluation. Angelica Chavez wanted to do a little...

Virani DreamTeam Strikes Again This year at the Virani project

Virani DreamTeam Strikes Again This year at the Virani project

At a recent keynote at the National Educational Computing Conference, Chris Lehmann, renowned speaker and educator in the area of technology and pedagogy, commented, “ Tools don’t teach, but they can change the way we teach.” For the students on Professor Shafique...