Publication – English

Husayn b. Ya’qub Shah b. Sufi: The Adornment of Assemblies

An Anthology of Ismaili Literature: A Shi’i Vision of Islam, 2008


Ismaili traditions of devotional literature continued to flourish after the Mongol conquests, although much of it has been little known until recently. Among the most impressive pieces are those found in the Tazyin al-majalis or “The Adornment of Assemblies” by Husayn b. Ya’qub Shah b. Sufi, a contemporary of the Imams Khalil Allah ‘Ali (d. 1090/1680) and Shah Nizar (d. 11 34/1722). The Tazyin gained great popularity in the Persian-speaking regions of the Ismaili world where it appears that the relevant sections were read on occasions such as the Festival of Breaking the Fast (‘Id al-fitr), the Festival of Sacrifice (‘Id al-adha’), the Spring Equinox (Nawruz) and the Winter Solstice (Shab-i yalda).

Cite this publication:

Virani, Shafique N. “Ḥusayn b. Yaʿqūb Shāh b. Ṣūfī: The Adornment of Assemblies.” In An Anthology of IsmailiLiterature: A Shi’i Vision of Islam. Edited by Hermann Landolt, Samira Sheikh and Kutub Kassam, 296-297. London:I.B.Tauris in association with Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2008.

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